Let’s start with a simple function person:

function person(name, sex, age){
// use the variables
person("Lucy", "female", 24);

If we want to add new parameters height and weight, we need to declare them one by one first:

// declare "height" and "weight"
function person(name, sex, age, height, weight){
// add "height" and "weight" at the tailer
person("Lucy", "female", 24, 160, 50);

Adding more parameters leads to less comprehensibility. To make things worse, when working on fundamental toolkits, it’s possible that the sequential order of parameters can not be guaranteed.

Then, how to create a function with uncertain amount/order of parameters?


Some say that JavaScript is a tricky language, and arguments is a tricky part of it.

function student(){
console.log("arguments : " + arguments);
console.log("first : " + arguments[0]);
console.log("last : " + arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
student("kevin", "john", "lucy");


arguments : ["kevin", "john", "lucy"]
first : "kevin"
last : "lucy"

It seems that arguments is an array(but actually it is not, explains afterwards), containing all parameters imported. With arguments introduced, we could make functions with uncertain parameters as following example.

function student(){
for(var l = arguments.length - 1; l >= 0 ; l--){
console.log(l + " : "+ arguments[l]);
student("kevin", "john", "lucy", "mike", "david");


4 : david
3 : mike
2 : lucy
1 : john
0 : kevin

But when we use pop or push method to arguments:

function student(){
var args = arguments;
// try push
student("kevin", "john", "lucy", "mike", "david");


TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'push'

It will throw an error – that means arguments is not an array but an Object quite similar. We should use a little trick here, to get a native array:

function student(){
// use the natiave Array slice method. Now we get args as a standard array.
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// try push again
student("kevin", "john", "lucy", "mike", "david");


["kevin", "john", "lucy", "mike", "david", "lili"]

A more complicated version is a template format function:

function format() {
var args = arguments;
// first item is template
var template = args[0];

// create regular expression, since we don't know how many parameters
// are imported, use arguments.length as adaptive measurement.
var pattern = new RegExp("%([1-" + arguments.length + "])", "g");

// replace %N with the parameter sorted in the N
return String(template).replace(pattern, function(match, index) {
return args[index];

format("%1 loves %3, %2 loves %3 too.", "daddy", "mummy", "katty");


"daddy loves katty, mummy loves katty too."

The previous mode which puts every parameters in an array, we could call it SEQUENCE. Is it good enough?

// 2006-03-01: "name", "gender", "age"
person("Lucy", "female", 24);

// 2006-05-01: Add "height", "weight", "languages"
person("Lucy", "female", 24, 160, 50, "cantonese, mandarin");

It really happens: with the booming of project, length of arguments increasing, the engineers are hard to distinguish parameters from each other. We could not know what they stand for unless referring to comments or looking into person function. Less self-explainable parameters make it hard to maintain.


A better solution JSON:

// Migrate to JSON
"name" : "Lucy",
"sex" : "female",
"age" : 24,
"height" : {
"value" : "160",
"unit" : "cm"
"weight" : {
"value" : "50",
"unit" : "kg"
"languages": ["cantonese", "mandarin"]

First benefit is that parameters become much more self-explainable, therefore developers do not need to dig into the function or even set breakpoints to find out their meanings then back to work.

What’s more, when adding a new parameter, there is no need to worry about the order.


Unlike other OO program languages like Java, javascript does not have any built-in interface. Although the implementation of interface in javascript is still an arguable point, it is a very flexible language and could be applied with interface without much efforts.

Like Interface ensures the function has all required methods, the following class is used to ensure the called function contain all the necessary parameters, if not then throw an error.

// Add 'validate' method to an object to be checked
function $(){

// Store object
var _$ = function(obj){
this.obj = obj
// Bind method to prototype
_$.prototype.validate = function(options){
var obj = this.obj
// loop default item
for(var i in options){
// the option is compulsive and when it's undefined
if(options[i] === true && obj[i] === undefined) {
throw new Error("item: " + i + " is UNDEFINED! Please check it.")
// return result
return this.obj
return new _$(arguments[0])

For example, we use validate method to check person:

jay = {
"name": "jay"

'name': true
'sex' : true

It is definitely possible to enrich the validation functions:

// New a person object and apply validate method
// Required + string
"name" : ["required", "string"],
// Required + only chosen from the options
"sex" : ["required", ["male","female"]],
// Optional + integer
"age" : ["optional", "integer"]

Moreover, if we change the return this.obj with return this and add a new getter function, the methods could be applied in a chain style:

var candidate = $(jay).validate({...})
var age = candidate.get('age')

I will recommend Pro JavaScript Design Patterns for its chapter on interface concept and comparison of design patterns, between other languages and javascript.