This trick is using a function argument to memorize recursive states of expensive calculations ( python docs ).

An example is to improve fibonacci calculator as follows,

def fib_naive(n):
""" Naive fibonacci calculator """
if n <= 1: return 1
return fib_naive(n-1) + fib_naive(n-2)
def fib_cache(n, _cache = {}):
""" Fibonacci calculator with cache """

# Return cache results
if n in _cache:
return _cache[n]

if n <= 1:
result = 1
result = fib_cache(n-1) + fib_cache(n-2)
# Callers will never provide a second parameter.

# Store results
_cache[n] = result
return result

If you totally get the trick of _cache = {} — isn’t it nice? — I am very happy to accept it.

Of course, maintaining a global variable for storage could also deliver the same functionality.

""" Using global cache """

cache = {}

def run(n):
if n in cache: # Is it a undefined local variable?

cache = {} # May I clear the cache safely?

_cache[n] = result # Should be okay to update the cache.

def walk(n): # What if I do not want to share cache
# with other functions?

I can not answer these questions with 100 percent confidence.

Let’s start with understanding local and global variables.

Local & Global

Python is compact. And with a price.

For example, it saves us from declaring the variables in a verbose way,

x = Point(10,10) # Python
Point x = new Point(10, 10);  /* Java */
const x = new Point(10, 10);  // ECMA5 Javascript

But it takes some efforts to understand its concept of variable scopes.

arr = [True]
def run():
arr[0] = False
print 'inside: ', arr

print 'outside:', arr

inside: [False]
outside: [False]

arr = [True]
def run():
arr = [False]
print 'inside: ', arr

print 'outside:', arr

inside: [False]
outside: [True]

Let’s examine the differences.

In the first block, I am actually calling arr.__setitem__(0, False). Python finds out that arr is not defined inside function scope (local), and thus continues to look it up in the outside scope (global). After successfully locating arr in global scope, python calls a function to change the first item of a global variable.

In comparison, in the second block, python considers arr = [False] as an action to create a local variable.

# < global variable scope >
def run():
# < local variable scope >

If we would like to add another element to arr, there are two ways:

arr = [True]
def run():
print 'inside: ', arr

print 'outside:', arr

inside: [True, False]
outside: [True, False]

arr = [True]
def run():
arr += [False]
print 'inside: ', arr

print 'outside:', arr

local variable 'arr' referenced before assignment

The first block is easy to understand, since calling a function arr.extend is just like arr.__setitem__ in the previous example.
Meanwhile, in second block, arr += [False] equals to arr = arr + [False].

One principle here in python is,

Anything being assigned ( x = ... ) is taken as a local variable in function.

At the left side of equation, on such principle, python judges arr is a local variable. At the right side of equation, it throws an error because of a loop of variable assignment.

Our original purpose is to take arr as a global variable. And we have to add a line to declare such intention.

arr = [True]
def run():
# declare global using `global`
global arr
arr += [False]
print 'inside: ', arr

print 'outside:', arr

inside: [True, False]
outside: [True, False]

arr = [True]
def run():
# declare local using `=`
arr = []
arr += [False]
print 'inside: ', arr

print 'outside:', arr

inside: [False]
outside: [True]

Looking around on Javascript

// IT'S Javascript!
var a = true;

function run(){
// OPS! forget to initialize before use it
a = false;
console.log('inside: ', a)

console.log('outside:', a)

inside: false
outside: false

// IT'S Javascript!
var a = true;

function run(){
var a;
a = false;
console.log('inside: ', a)

console.log('outside:', a)

inside: false
outside: true

In comparison, it’s easy to understand why javascript shocks so many engineers with non-front-end background, by placing more weight on easy to run over global variable safety. While in Baidu (one of the largest search companies, wiki), I have gained more than enough experience in debugging on web pages, where global variables are contaminated by careless coders.


Does the cache speed up the calculation?

from timeit import default_timer as timer

k = 30
start = timer()
pause = timer()
stop = timer()

time1 = pause - start
time2 = stop - pause
print '%6f / %6f = %d' % (time1, time2, time1 / time2)

0.311446 / 0.000061 = 5102

The Big O of fib is $O(2^n)$ (stackoverflow), while the fib_cache is $O(n)$.

Memorization contributes a lot, and actually it is the core of Dynamic Programming. Some would like to introduce DP as,

Top-down Dynamic Programming = Divide & Conquer + Memorization

And I think this equation explains Dynamic Programming better than the name itself.

Default Value

Consider following example:

def store(ele, arr = []):

return arr

print store(1) == [1]
print store(2) == [2]
print store.__defaults__

([1, 2],)

def store(ele, arr = None):
if not arr: arr = []
return arr

print store(1) == [1]
print store(2) == [2]
print store.__defaults__


As the Python docs points out that,

It is often expected that a function call creates new objects for default values. This is not what happens. Default values are created exactly once, when the function is defined.

// IT'S Javascript
function store(ele, arr = []){
return arr

// A new call creates a new array with default value.
console.log(store(1)) // output: [ 1 ]
console.log(store(2)) // output: [ 2 ]

So a good programming practice is to NOT use mutable objects, e.g.list/dict, as default values. Immutable objects of default values are also created once, since it can not be changed, the values will be copied to create new local variables inside the function.

Unless you are very clear about what you are doing, mutable objects of default values can cause confusing consequences.

Looking at fib_cache(..., _cache = {}) again, it takes full advantage of such feature, _cache is bound to this function, serving as a function-level shared variable. It reminds me of class variable shared by all instances.

I will end this post by improving the global solution as mentioned in the beginning.

""" Global variable solution """

cache = {}
def run(n):
if n in cache: # Wait.. is it an undefined local variable?
.... #
# No. It is the global variable as we wished.
# cache = {} # May I clear the cache safely?
# Not in this way.
# This declaration will raise `UnboundLocalError`.
cache.clear() # Use `clear` method instead.


cache[n] = result # It's okay to update the cache in this way
# since it's `cache.__setitem__(n, result)`.

def walk():
.... # Every other function could touch the global cache.
# So why not use `_cache` trick :)